Fabric Bon Bon

Fabric Bon Bons

Little fabric Bon Bon sweets – a perfect use for little scraps of fabric. 

Filled with the right type of scent, they are also perfect to put into drawers to keep clothes smelling fresh and repel moths. You can also just use toy stuffing and have them unscented.

They also make fun decorations around the house and double up as produce for toy kitchens!


This tutorial gives the dimensions to make the tartan sized Bon Bon.

But once you’ve got to grips with the method, then you can vary the size according to your scrap allowance and make big or small ones as shown above



Along with the Candy Canes and Lollipops (check the blog posts) they can make a very striking Christmas display to keep or gift.

You could even use none Christmas fabrics and have them as all round decorations or for a sweet themed party.

This is a freebie for the time being. I reserve the right to remove it at any point and may offer it as a paid pattern. Please do not share or re-sell the downloaded pattern itself, it remains the property of MotherGrimm under UK copyright laws. You may sell what you make under cottage licence terms.

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One Comment

  1. […] The popular Turpin Snarf by Mother Grimm is free with a code from their Facebook Group, and the Infinity Scarf is free to download directly from the blog post. They also have several cute free decor/holiday patterns on their blog, including the Lollipop ornaments and Fabric Bon-Bons. […]

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